Registration Fee

Full paper (Presentation&Publication)

Early Bird Registration Students: USD 450
Prior to 8 April, 2025 Non-Students: USD 550
Regular Registration Students: USD 500
Non-Students: USD 600

Abstract(Presentation only)

Early Bird Registration Students: USD 350
Prior to 8 April, 2025 Non-Students: USD 400
Regular Registration Students: USD 400
Non-Students: USD 450


Early Bird Registration Students: USD 250
Prior to 8 April, 2025 Non-Students: USD 300
Regular Registration Students: USD 300
Non-Students: USD 350

  • Full conference fees include: badge, admission to all conference sessions, conference package, lunches during the conference days, morning and afternoon coffee breaks, admission to Gala Dinner
  • Students must provide proof of their status with a copy of their student card sent with the registration form.
  • Cancelation policy: If registration is cancelled before April 8th, 2025, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded. There will be no refund of the registration fee after April 8th, 2025.